CUEP Updates
The CUEP class Financial Counseling will be canceled on Thursday September 26,202, due to FSCJ canceling classes. Class will resume as usual the following week.
​Registration has closed for Fall of 2024
Courses for Fall 2024
Mondays- Business Math-9/16-11-25
Tuesdays- Mortgage Lending-9/17-11/19
Wednesdays-Foundation & Structure of Credit Unions-9/18-11/20
Thursdays- Financial Counseling-9/19-11/21
Interested in becoming one of our instructors?
We are now accepting applications for instructors for the following course. Credit Union Marketing. If you are interested please fill out an application.
​2024 graduation pictures have been posted!
Click here to view!​​​
Connect with Us
We are here to help you drive change. Together, we will shape the future.
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CUEP Events
Fall 2024 courses are from 09/16/2024 -11/21/2024 .
Courses this term:​
Business Math: Monday 9/16-11/25
Mortgage Lending: Tuesdays 9/17-11/19
Foundations & Structures of Credit Unions: Wednesdays 9/18-11/20
Financial Counseling: Thursdays 9/19-11/21
What can the CUEP do for you?
In conjunction with Florida State College at Jacksonville, the Credit Union Education Program (CUEP) provides you with an opportunity to gain skills that meet the needs of your employer, but is designed with you in mind.
Credit Unions are earning a greater share of the financial institution market and that means greater employment opportunities for you! This program can effectively sharpen your skills and increase opportunities for better positions within credit unions. Both new and experienced employees benefit.
Now is a great time to earn a vocational certificate in Credit Union Services and Marketing by taking courses you can use on the job!
Documents and Forms
FSCJ Canvas Online
If you’ve never logged in with FSCJ before, you’ll need your user name or FSCJ email address. If you call the number in the snip below, they will provide you with that information and get you a temporary password.
Be sure to use Safari, Firefox, Edge or Chrome as those are the recommended browsers for Canvas.
You can reach the Help Desk with the information below: